The kid had dropped out of school the previous year and from notes the police found later they believe he had a grudge against one of the teachers there, who he apparently felt was responsible for his dropping out. He planned to use the chain saw and the machete instead of guns because he wanted to be more distinctive than the Columbine kids and others who have shot up schools. The kid is now in jail and is being charged as an adult for attempted murder and other charges.
I wonder, where in the hell are this kid's parents?
It was reported that the kid's parents divorced several years ago. He was living with his mom and sister in an apartment near the school. According to police the mother knew nothing about this plot. The boy's father lived in another town about 30 minutes away and when contacted by the press had no comment. The press was able to get a hold of the boy's grandmother back in New Jersey, and she told them that the kid was a bright boy who had never gotten into any kind of trouble before. Grandma also told the press that she spoke with her son, the boy's father, just the week before and they were talking about the boy going to college.
I suppose the grandma can be excused because she lives on the other side of the country, but there is no such excuse to the parents. They had to have known that he had dropped out of school, something that "bright" boys don't typically do. Why did he drop out? Was he depressed? Why didn't they notice that something was wrong? Why did they miss this one big hint? These are questions that the parents have yet to answer.
Even more amazing is that this kid bought chemicals over the Internet to make the pipe bombs, and some of those chemicals can only be bought by someone over the age of 18. So he had to have used one of his parents' credit cards to buy them, and so one of them had to have known and been OK with these purchases. There were reports that the mother did know about the chemical purchases (though no word if it was her credit card that was used) but thought they were toy rockets. WTF? You have a kid that dropped out of school and was buying explosives that kids his age were not allowed to buy and you were not at least a little bit suspicious about the toy rocket story?
And oh BTW, where the hell did he get the chain saw and the machete? The kid lived in an apartment and apartment dwellers don't usually have a need for landscaping power tools. I never heard what kind of dwelling the dad lives in, but if these tools were his then I wonder why he didn't notice that they were gone. Then again, if this guy really did think his dropout son was still going to college perhaps it is not that big of a surprise.
This to me illustrates one of the biggest social problems out there, parents who are not parents to their children. If even one of this kid's parents were paying attention to what their son was up to then this incident could have been prevented without the heroic efforts of two teachers and the dependence on chance that the chain saw would not start. Have you noticed that you almost never hear from the parents of kids who commit acts like this? I don't ever remember hearing from the parents of the boys who shot up Columbine, and I think there was only a short apology from the family of the guy who shot up Virginia Tech. I can accept that they are too embarrassed to say anything to the public, but quite honestly they should be embarrassed for the shoddy parenting job that they did. Hell, shoddy may be too kind of a word. I know parenting is hard, but how much attention would it have taken for these parents to stop their kids from shooting up or blowing up schools? Certainly not more than what any caring parent is capable of giving.
It's funny that the social conservatives are all bent out of shape by gay marriage because of the potential "harm" such relationships would have on children and on society. Well, which do you think is a greater harm to society, a kid that decides to be a homosexual or a kid that decides to shoot up his school? I'll take the gay kid any day of the week.
Now if you want an example of a single parent who was able to be a parent, I offer up to you on Shirley Partridge.

Not only was she a single mom with 5 kids, but these kids were also in a rock band together. A sure recipe for disaster you'd think, but not only did Shirley keep her kids on the straight and narrow she actually joined their band and performed with them. And when she needed a father figure to step in she did not hesitate to call in Mr. Kincaid to help, especially with that hell raiser Danny. If a single mom with 5 kids in a rock band can raise them without the kids turning into psychopaths then why can't others?
Yes, there was that drug thing that Danny did, but that was years after the show was cancelled.
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