Wednesday, January 27, 2010

People Are Strange

I have been neglecting this blog for my Idol blog and for all of the other crazy things tying up my life these days, but now that I seem to be neglecting my Idol blog too I thought I would post something here.

I was browsing through the Google news page and I came across these headlines in the people section that I thought were worth commenting on:

Jay Leno Can't Bring Himself to Call Conan O'Brien: Now think about it, what would Jay say to Conan? I'm sorry about the loss of your job that I caused? Too bad about losing that Tonight Show gig, I'll be sure to take care of it for you? It was just not your time yet? Please don't go on Letterman?

Bristol Palin Vows Not to Have Sex Again Until Marriage: I can think of no better application of the old adage about closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.

George Clooney Running the Largest Celeb Call Center Ever: Of course this is about the Haiti thing, though when I first read it another type of call center came to mind. Note that the italic font for "Ever" was not my idea, the headline from actually had "Ever" italicized. It's a funny word to be emphasizing...

Justin Bieber Reveals His Secret: He Shakes It: I have no idea who Justin Bieber is but apparently he's got something goin' on!

Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie Were 'Out at Dinner' When Split Rumors Broke: Too bad they were not out to lunch when the rumors broke, as that would have been a much better headline. BTW, did you see that thing hanging from Brad Pitt's chin during the Haiti thing. Dear God, what was that? Was he auditioning for the role of Rasputin? Could he have at least trimmed it for the broadcast?

Elizabeth Edwards tells her sister: 'I've had it.': Well it is about damn time.

Health Buzz: Study Finds Flame-Retardant Chemical May Harm Fertility: That must be a really powerful retardant to be able to harm both flames and fertility. I wonder if it can get rid of terrorists, fix the health care system, and end the national debt too.

Tim Tebow's Super Bowl ad scandal: Well it is about damn time this kid had some controversy around him. That squeaky clean saintly persona was really starting to get on my nerves. Besides, this could be good for him, toughen him up for the NFL. Al Davis might even consider drafting him now.

Software executive admits affair after mistress' billboard campaign: So this moron posts billboards all over the country proclaiming his love for his mistress and then he admits to the affair? Could not his wife read the writing on the wall?

Elin Nordegren hopes to save marriage: See Edwards, Elizabeth. I guess that pre-nup is more air tight than her lawyers thought it was.

What Stars Are Saying on Twitter Right Now! If you truly care what Randy Jackson and Lisa Rinna are saying on Twitter right now then you need professional help, or a hobby. Especially if Randy Jackson and Lisa Rinna (who I have never heard of) are the biggest stars posting on this site. Yes, I did check it, but it was for research purposes only, honest. OK, I need a hobby. That was what the Idol blog was for.