Monday, March 16, 2009

Get A Haircut To Go With The Real Job

Over the weekend I got my hair cut, and when I went into the office today several people said to me "you got a hair cut." This happens every time I get a hair cut and I cannot understand why people feel the need to point it out as if I didn't know about it. It's not as if I'm in college anymore where I had drunk roommates who cut the hair of someone sleeping, I was fully awake and in control of my actions when I walked into the barber shop. Are they attempting to complement me for my hair cut, or are they subliminally sending me a message encouraging me to get it cut more often? I wish someone would explain this weird phenomenon. I guess it is OK to get positive attention, I just find it odd that a haircut would draw so much attention.

P.S. Just to set the record straight, my roommates in college never cut my hair, but I did see them do it to someone else once.

P.P.S This post reminded me of this.

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