This oil spill thing, for example. If you can find anything positive about this I'm dying to here it. Here you have President Obama, who promised to change Washington politics, acting like a Washington politician when he says that the only thing the government did wrong was to put too much trust in BP to stop the leak. Is not the government responsible for cleaning up the oil? Where were the booms? Why did it take them a couple of weeks to start the cleanup? And where were the inspectors when the faulty oil rig was constructed and maintained? Instead of being the statesman that we voted for he has morphed into yet another politician looking for some evil corporation to blame and looking to use a disaster to advance a political agenda. His policy to reduce the likelihood of future oil spills is to stop drilling for oil? How about inspecting some more rigs? Having no oil rigs may be pie in the sky thinking but flies in the face of reality.
And then there are the morons at BP who tried to blame the oil rig operator Transocean for a "relatively tiny" oil spill (seriously, their words, not mine), required fishermen who volunteered for the rescue effort to sign a limit of liability contract with BP, and has a CEO who cares more about getting "his life back" than about the millions of barrels of oil his busted pipeline is spewing into the Gulf of Mexico. Oh sure, he apologized later for his comments later, but then his press secretary Randy Prescott says that "Louisiana isn’t the only place that has shrimp.” I love this response from Louisiana: “And BP isn’t the only place that has fuel for my car!” Admit it, gentlemen, you f***ed up big time here and heads need to roll, starting with yours.
And even when BP and the government actually work together on something (which they should be doing all along instead of this finger pointing) they still find a way to muck it up, such as this ongoing public feud BO is having with the EPA about which dispersants to use to soak up the oil. It has gotten so bad that even that wacky Sarah Palin has gotten into the act, claiming that the reason the government and BP have been so slow to respond to the spill is because BP gave President Obama a lot of money in the last campaign, which of course was front page news on Fox because it plays into that vast left wing conspiracy theory that Miss Alaska USA and her comrades subscribe to no matter how unlikely it is that two models of incompetency can somehow conspire to organize something like this.
Here's the deal, the government and BP need to agree on a way to cap the busted shaft and clean up the oil now. Together. One cannot do it without the other, no matter how much they want to. Stop the finger pointing, stop the politics, stop the blame game, stop trying to either downplay or exaggerate the problem to make yourselves look better and the other guy look worse. It didn't work after Hurricane Katrina and the Exxon Valdez oil spill and it is not working here either. This is not rocket science. You want proof of that? Well how about we ask what one of the most successful oil man ever would do in a situation like this...

Now here is an honest oil man if there ever was one, and he didn't take no guff from no government official, that's for sure. When Jed Clampett had an oil spill in his backyard did he point any fingers? Hell no, he sold that spill and provided a better life for his whole clan in Beverly Hills, both in black & white and color. And whenever he had a problem that needed solving ol' Jed would sit on the curbstone of his mansion and whittle until he came up with the answer. Maybe if President Obama and BP CEO Tony Hayward would sit at their mansions and whittled until they came up with an answer they could get this thing cleaned up and allow us to focus on other, more important things.
And yes, I waited all this time to find a blog post topic that I could use Jed Clampett as an example. The photo is from, BTW. I don't want to have to sign a LOL either.
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