You didn't think I would leave without saying goodbye did you?
Actually, the conference in Peru was postponed until July because of the swine flu "pandemic". Yes, I know there is no swine flu in Peru, but one of the moderators of the conference is in Mexico City and, well you know what happened in Mexico City. So I have been spending the last couple of days revising my travel arrangements, getting the post office to continue to deliver my mail, getting my newspaper to continue to deliver my news, and otherwise undoing all of the arrangements that I made in preparation for the trip. This includes restocking my fridge and cupboards, which are now bare since I only bought enough food at my last trip to the supermercado to last me until today.
A few things in the news that I find interesting:
I find it interesting that the same people who are panicking about Homeland Security issuing advisories about "right wing extremists" are the same people who defended Bush's domestic surveillance program. Like you said guys, you have nothing to fear if you did nothing wrong, right?
I find it interesting that the same people who defended the Bush administration's use of torture on "enemy combatants" in Cuba are objecting to Obama talking to the Cubans because the Castros torture political prisoners. One man's enemy combatant is another man's political prisoner.
I find it interesting that the above two groups are essentially the same people.
I find it interesting that the world's navies began cracking down on the Somali pirates only after the US Navy did first. See, we really are the world's only superpower.
I find it interesting that the city of Vallejo, California is still hosting a Pirate Festival next month even with the Somali pirates in the news all the time. I also find it interesting that Vallejo used to be home to a large Navy base that my Grandpa was once stationed at.
I find it interesting that there really is a Swine Festival. It's in Basille, Louisiana the first weekend in November. Make your reservations now and don't forget to bring your face masks.
And yes, there is a Somali festival too, but you have to go all the way to London for that one. I wonder if the attendees would find it interesting if someone showed up wearing a pirate costume.
I find it interesting that the press is treating Obama and Biden's visit to a burger joint yesterday as some kind of a big deal, as if the President of the United States is too high and mighty to go to a burger joint. Did not Clinton plan his jogging routes around McDonald's locations?
I find it interesting that I still have a follower even though I only post on this blog about once a month. I will promise, though, that I will post more here after the American Idol season is over in 3 weeks time, at least until I go to Peru and post to that blog.
I find it interesting that my water board mandated that we all conserve water or else face big fines, and then they raise my water rates because people are not using enough water.
I find it interesting that suddenly Fiat is the world's most powerful car company though nobody outside of Italy drives their cars. It may explain why Italian cars cost so much.
I find it interesting that so few people have left my former firm after they were bought out by a much larger out-of-town firm. I only mention this in case any of my former co-workers are still reading this blog.
I find it interesting that the phrase "shark tank" still has a double meaning in San Jose. I find it depressing too.
I find it interesting that only now, when her American Idol contract is up for renewal, does Paula Abdul admit that she was addicted to pain killers. She has been acting suspiciously sober on the show as of late.
I find it interesting that when I activate Blogger's spell checker it recognizes "Obama" but not "Biden" or "Blogger's".
I find it interesting that I dedicated about an hour writing this entry when I could have been doing something more productive, like going to the supermarket or reading a newspaper.
"I find it interesting that my water board mandated that we all conserve water or else face big fines, and then they raise my water rates because people are not using enough water." --- so, is that the California version of waterboarding?
In the sense that it is torture, then yes, yes it would.
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