Seriously, in addition to my Idol work and my real work (recession? What recession?) I have so many projects going on and a new relationship. Yes, with a real woman. I have been reluctant to talk about her here since she doesn't know about this blog (she knows about the Idol one though) and I don't want her to think that I am posting things about her behind her back to two people that I know and maybe a dozen or so that I don't know. Then again, if I don't write about her then what would I write about that would be even remotely interesting? There is only so many People Magazine headlines that I can comment about (maybe that's why I haven't been paying to attention to this blog). I throw these out and see what you think:
A Look Inside the Life of Jesse James: What is there to see? He's a loser that got lucky until his loserness took control of his brain. Ditching Sandra Bullock for a tattoo model? WTF?
O'Donnell Reportedly Preparing a TV Show: Hopefully it'll be a reality show so it'll kill that genre just like her variety show did. I guess she's jealous that Ellen parlayed her talk show into a seat at the American Idol table and she didn't. Then again, I'm jealous that Ellen parlayed her talk show into a seat at the American Idol table and I didn't.
PETA Wants Animal Planet to KO Proposed Mike Tyson Reality Show: For the first and perhaps last time in my life I actually agree with PETA on something. Armageddon must be close at hand.
Woods Did What He Had to Do: That explains the voice mail and the late night joy ride in the Escalade, but I'm still waiting for the excuse for everything else.
Conrad Murray Did Not Tell Paramedics of Michael Jackson's Drug Dose: Wacko Jacko, the gift that keeps on giving, at least until Tiger Woods did what he had to do.
Court Says No Oil Money for Anna Nicole's Heirs: Well, so much for that conspiracy theory.
Health Care Victory for Obama in House: I've been considering commenting on this for some time now, and I'll be serious for a moment and drop the italics. I agree with everyone who says that our health care system is a bureaucratic mess, but I am not sure that having it taken over by the most bureaucratic institution in this country is the best way to fix it. Just ask anyone who has had to go to the DMV or tried to legally immigrate into this country.
Over the last couple of days I've seen politicians behave very badly around this issue. No one seems to have read the bill, and no one seems to be basing their support on what is in the bill. Instead we have politicians like the Hispanic Caucus, who opposed the bill because it denied insurance to illegal immigrants, and then two days before the vote announced that they would vote yes because Obama promised them that he would push for immigration reform next. Mind you the provision that the Hispanic Caucus was opposed to is still in the bill and cannot be removed by reconciliation, yet they now support it because Obama promised he would scratch their back on a completely different piece of legislation. And then there is Dennis Kucinich, who was opposed to the Senate bill for months because it did not have a public option and then announced that he would vote yes in order to preserve Obama's legacy. Whatever happened to principle? Whatever happened to basing your vote on what is in the bill? Why do we have politicians who only seem to care about making deals and preserving legacies and not on standing on their own principals and/or doing what their constituents want? Not to make it seem like I am picking on the Democrats I should point out that the Republicans who are voting against this bill because they want Obama to fail are guilty of the very same thing.
Where are the Jefferson Smith's? That is what I want to know...