I could not help but notice all of the attention that Sarah Palin has been receiving lately. Now I know what you're thinking, you've been away for over a month and you come back with this! Don't worry, just relax and stay with me on this and hopefully you'll be rewarded at the end. Or perhaps not.
Anyway, one of the side stories about the former Alaska governor that I thought was interesting, and worth commenting on here, is how much support she is getting from liberals. It seems like they are engaging in a Operation Chaos campaign of their own by buying her book and encouraging her to run for president in 2012, not because they want her to be president but because they think she has no chance to win and by running she will take away support from other Republicans who might have a chance, like, well... give me a minute... I don't know, someone with a triple digit IQ?
I remember back on Election Night 2008 when a CNN commentator, I think the follicle challenged Paul Begala, proudly declared to follicle endowed Anderson Cooper that he wanted Palin to run in 2012. She was the "dream candidate" as far as he was concerned.
I know I'm not the first to say this, but I think the liberals should be careful about what they wish for here.
Now let me set the record straight: I think Sarah Palin is an idiot who is not the least bit qualified to be President of the United States. Hell, I'm more qualified to be president than she is. This of course is why the folks on the political left want her to run on the Republican ticket. But you see, while I, the entire Democrat party, and perhaps most of America think that she is unqualified, there are millions of people out there, including most of the 20 million or so who listen to Rush Limbaugh on a daily basis, who think that Palin is the bee's knees because she is one of them, a God-fearing, anti-intellectual, social conservative with a distrust of anyone who has a PhD or is a member of the media. To them, it's not important that she knows who the leader of Uzbekistan is when there are more important battles out there to fight against like abortion, gay marriage, and Obama's death panels.
The scary thing here is that these 20 million people are convinced that they have so much power that they can elect anyone, even a dim bulb like Sarah Palin or George W. Bush. They keep telling themselves that the majority of America is as conservative as they are and that Obama's "failings" (as they of course see them) will convince millions more to see the error of their ways and vote for conservatives in the next election. They are also convinced that the reason that Obama won last year was because the Republican party was too afraid to nominate a "true" conservative and instead threw up a bunch of wimpy moderates like John McCain and Mitt Romney. Yes, they do see a US Senator who survived 6 years of torture in a North Vietnamese prison camp as a wimp because he had the audacity to co-sponsor a bill with Ted Kennedy and lead the effort to prevent Senate Republicans from evoking the "nuclear option" and eliminating the filibuster that would have bypassed the Democrats on judicial nominations. And to think, had the nuclear option been evoked back in 2005 the Democrats would have already shoved the health care and global warming bills down the Republican's throat. But do you hear any of those right wingers praise McCain for saving them from themselves? Of course not.
But I digress...
(BTW, the leader of Uzbekistan is President Islam Karimov, though I most admit I had to look it up, but then I'm not running for president)
(BBTW, the definition of rogue is "an unprincipled person; a scoundrel or rascal." I wonder if any of Palin's supporters, or even Sarah herself, know about this. Of course they would likely attribute this to the obvious liberal bias among dictionary writers)
These Palin in '12 wackos may be small in number now but there are enough of them shouting from the rooftops to be a cause for concern for those who want to see some more intelligent people run for the most powerful office in the world. I don't think Palin's chances of winning are as dire as the liberals want to think.
Now if you want to talk about former governors who would make a good president despite a lower than average IQ, how about Governor Eugene Gatling?

Yes, the guy from Benson. He may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer but he had a heart of gold and always had the interests of his state at heart, even though after 7 seasons we never were told which state it was. You never heard him accuse the president of wanting to create death panels or nor did he claim that he had foreign policy experience because his state bordered another country. The man knew his limitations. He also is perhaps the only governor, either real or imagined, to promote his butler to lieutenant governor. Now that is change I can believe in.